My Projects

This is a list of the projects that I have made till now


Self-Checkout Billing System for a Computer Shop -C++
A Software Written in C++ that takes advantage of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) and use of Data File Handling to store the checkout document this program can also be used for an online ordering system for a web based computer store.
Android App formula for commerce -SQLite
An app that is used to help of commerce students of CBSE to help them keep track of the facts and formulas that may be present for fast revise and for doubts and to help get notes with GDG BVP.
TIC TAC TOE Java, XML, Android
A basic Android Application that is used to play the classic game tic tac toe
Coffee Order System Application - Java, XML, Android
An Android application that takes an order and sends an email to the owner about the order.
Miwok Application -Java, XML, Android
An Application that helps save the old Native American language of Miwok by teaching the new generation basic phrases, numbers and words and their pronunciations.
Pomodoro Clock HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This a clock that is used to work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minutes break. These times can be changed, and the timer can be reset. Pomodoro Clock is a type of clocked to make people efficient and make then start working
Ping  Pong- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This a implementation of the classic arcade video game Pong using JS and using is recursion of requestAnimationFrame and drawings are done in canvas
Tetris - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This a implementation of the classic arcade video game Tetris using JS and using is recursion of requestAnimationFrame , drawings are done in canvas and a array to add the arena and the pieces are made using 2-D array using 0 as empty and other numbers as colors for pieces
